Teasing the Machine: Test Driving text-processing Sentiment Analysis, it’s fun.

Test driving http://text-processing.com/demo/sentiment

Respond is how “text-processing.com” Artificial Intelligence responded to the input text.

It’s fun.

1. Be a team player

Respond: Neutral

Remarks: That’s very wrong, whenever somebody re-iterate the Team Speech it’s generally negative, political.

2. Fuck me

Respond: Negative

Remarks: This really depends on … if you are a guy (a Player), or girl.

3. Fantastic we can all go home

Respond: Positive

Remarks: That’s obviously sarcasm, should be rated *Very Negative* instead.

4. what were you thinking

Respond: Negative

Remarks: This sounds about right. If somebody say this to you it’s most likely a reproach.

5. Just do it

Respond: Negative

Remarks: This really depends on connotation and context.

6. I’m with you

Respond: Positive As expected.

7. Your sister is pretty

Respond: Positive

Remarks: Again, it really depends on the context and who’s saying this.

8. My God

Respond: Negative

Remarks: Could have been “My God, thank you Lord with my heart”.

9. Jesus Christ

Respond: Neutral

Remarks: What?

10. Love me

Respond: Positive

Remarks: Again, it really depends on the context.

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